Sunday, June 22, 2008

My tribute to Isla in black and white

Sometimes I think a photograph lends itself better to black and white...and actually says more than it does in color. Here are my favorites...with no additional comments.


Ann said...

I love b & w photos! These are great.

Scott Bulger Photography said...

Great shots. Very well done.

Isla Deb said...

Thank you. Scott, I tried e-mailing you, but it wouldn't let me. I would love to get your thoughts on some things. Please e-mail me at Thanks!

Islagringo said...

You certainly have developed your eye for photos. All of them enjoyable. Makes me wish I lived in a place like that!

Isla Deb said...

Uh, Wayne...I think you do.

Islagringo said...

I'm not so sure! In B&W, I hardly recognized some of the places. Funny, huh!