Friday, November 26, 2010

A Gringo Thanksgiving...

Just a relaxed Thanksgiving dinner at the house this year. This was one of our guests. You remember Nutter, right? She lives with Jonathan now, but he brought her by to visit. It's like she's been living here all along and felt right at home. I miss having her around.

But our happiest guest by far was this little guy. We felt sorry for Gringo. Mr. Asshole wasn't home, of course (not that it would matter anyway because he never pays any attention to him), and it got really cold here yesterday afternoon, so we brought him on over. Doesn't he look happy?

Gringo bonding with Jared...

...and Jeffrey...

Yep, he was a happy little camper yesterday just part of the crew. (I don't have a dining room table in this house because there's no room, so we brought in the table from the patio. Haha...kind of small but it worked.) The turkey was great, the company was was a good day.

And here's me doing the dishes.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Ann said...

So nice of you to bring in Gringo for the day...he looks pretty content! Glad you had a wonderful day.

Life's a Beach! said...

Deb, Gringo looks so happy! What a character!

Anonymous said...

HA, that was great!! hah. Just what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about!! I bet you heard tick,tick,tick of his toenails all day.(gringo)
I can see him"puffin up",struttin' 'round thimkin', "Yea, I'm Kool" ha. good for your guys.

Isla Deb said...

Yes, Gringo is definitely a character! He has no manners because he never has any human contact, but you gotta love him. You're right, Carl...he was struttin' his stuff that day and lovin' it!

jeanie said...

Aww Deb that's really nice that you brought little Gringo over. He is a sweetheart.

Fatih said...

A happy little guy with a big smile :)

Linda said...

Awww! That was sweet of you to bring Gringo over! I bet he could eat up a burglar!

(I reading the most recent posts first)

Isla Chica