Thursday, September 23, 2010

More fun with Photoshop...

Haven't had much to post about lately, so I've decided to try to teach myself something new about Photoshop every day or so. I'll probably learn everything by the time I'm about 70 years old. Today I learned about a zooming technique. It looked best with photos in which someone was walking or riding on a vehicle to help show motion. But I thought it was kind of fun with some still shots.

My favorite...

That's it...not much of a post today.


Life's a Beach! said...

I love your favorite and also the one of the old man walking down the street!

Ann said...

Those are great! Good to learn new things! I always say I'm going to try & learn some new things & haven't had much luck in following thru--maybe this winter--since I won't be working!

jeanie said...

I like the guy in the raincoat!