Thursday, July 22, 2010

Missing Mexico...

I was missing Mexico the other day, so I was looking through some of the photos I took on my December trip. This is when I started out at Playa del Carmen and took the bus to Valladolid, then ended up on Isla Mujeres. I decided that some of them looked more interesting in black and white.

One of my favorite shots of a group of kids sitting in front of La Bruja...

But some of them definitely looked better in color...

Hmmm...wonder when the next trip is going to be?


Vee said...

You're right - those work really well in black and white. Nice work!

Ann said...

The photos are great in B & W! I missed your last few posts--hoping to get caught up with everybody's blogs this week! I have been to Boulder once--back in the 70's on my birthday 9/1 & it snowed!

Isla Deb said...

Thanks, ladies!